Tonga volcanic arc
Impact of the submarine volcanoes and associated hydrothermal venting on the input of micronutrients (especially iron) and toxic elements to the photic layer of the ocean
Physical environment
Impact of the physical environment (turbulence, submeso- to meso-scale features, large-scale circulation) on the dilution of the hydrothermal plume on a local and regional scale
Air-sea exchanges
Impact of atmospheric deposition from aerial volcanic activity on the input of new nutrients to the ocean and influence of marine emissions from hydrothermal fluxes and nitrogen-fixation
Ecosystem functioning
Potential impact of hydrothermal inputs on the plankton communities and biogeochemical functioning

The core of the TONGA project is an oceanographic cruise scheduled onboard the French Research Vessel ‘L’Atalante’ in the region of the Tonga volcanic arc in the Western Tropical South Pacific Ocean, from October 31 to December 6, 2019
A multidisciplinary team of scientists
A multidisciplinary team of scientists

The biogeochemical impact of hydrothermal fluids
The biogeochemical impact of hydrothermal fluids
A combination of measurements and experiments
A combination of measurements and experiments

A focus on iron and nitrogen-fixation
A focus on iron and nitrogen-fixation
Classic CTD rosette
Detection of trace metals and hydrothermal fluid
Experiments in minicosms
Drifting and fixed moorings
Argo and BGC-Argo floats
- LEFE-CYBER (Main Database)
LEFE CYBER Database : Open Access Data from TONGA and TONGA-Recup cruises
An international study of the marine biogeochemical cycles of trace elements and their isotopes
In situ data for operational oceanography
An extension of the Argo program to include biogeochemical observations
An international study of the marine biogeochemical cycles of trace elements and their isotopes
Integrated Marine Biosphere
LEFE “Les enveloppes fluides et l’environnement”
- AMIDEX Aix Marseille Université
Fondation Universitaire A*MIDEX Vers plus d’excellence avec Aix-Marseille Université
All the publications related to the TONGA project can be found here :
Twitter account
Using the Twitter social network to share the projet science and life to the scientific community and the general public @tongaproject
Adopt a float
A recurrent outreach program that proposes schoolchildren to adopt a BGC-Argo profiling float, follow its journey in the ocean and share experiences with scientists and other children participating to the program.
Video & poster
Short films and interactive technique-based poster to reach out a non-scientific audience and share about the cruise journey, team and objectives (In progress)
Graphical identity
A strong visual identity (logo, color scheme and fonts) to communicate about the project and share print or paper documents
Download it !